IAEA (Marie-Sklodowska-Curie) scholar at Middlebury Institute of International Studies (Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies)

Ariel (Phantitra) Phuphaphantakarn is an IAEA (Marie-Sklodowska-Curie) scholar at Middlebury Institute of International Studies (Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies). Ariel is currently working as a Graduate Research Assistant at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS). For several years, as a rising young scholar, Ariel was invited to speak in multiple conferences organized by prestige international think-tanks and organizations such as Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, Washington D.C.), EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC, Belgium), British Pugwash (King’s College London, London), and The Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament (Uppsala University, Sweden). Additionally, she is also part of multiple research projects and member of initiatives regarding nuclear arms control and armament, both globally and specifically focusing on the Indo-Pacific affairs. Ariel’s area of research and expertise rest on the undersea strategic affairs, the Indo-Pacific armament affairs, emerging technologies and their arms control, and the deterrence strategy in the Third Nuclear Age. As a student and young professional Ariel also studies integrated deterrence and arms control and their potential implications for the Indo-Pacific. Ariel currently runs a research team on Armament and Disarmament Studies and is pursuing a role of a scholar in the field of arms control and deterrence strategy.