Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
The WMD Project assesses the baseline status of and trends in vertical and horizontal proliferation of WMD across the Asia Pacific region; focusing on where wars involving WMD might begin, while examining how asymmetric force structures and future proliferation may increase the risk of using WMD, especially nuclear weapons, in each conflict. We also assess how the risk of wars involving WMD in the region might be reduced or even eliminated.

Surveying the WMD Landscape in Asia-Pacific
Hayes and Shetty survey the WMD landscape in the Asia-Pacific region and summarise major highlights from the book ‘WMD in Asia-Pacific.’

WMD in Asia-Pacific
This book offers a timely and comprehensive assessment of the WMD threats in the Asia-Pacific, including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

Chemical Weapons in The Asia-Pacific: History, Science, and Future Prospect
Forman and Kelle discuss the future prospects for chemical weapons use and mitigation in the Asia-Pacific region.

NPT-TPNW Standoff: Who Can Break This Gridlock?
Nobuyasu Abe, former UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs, calls for honest and urgent efforts to bridge the gap between the two camps, for preventing nuclear proliferation and ...

Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones in Asia
APLN board member Tuya Nyamosor evaluates the achievements and limitations of Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones for nuclear risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific.

Great Power Risk Reduction Measures and Lessons for the Asia-Pacific
Dmitry Stefanovich examines the existing and future risk reduction measures and incident prevention mechanisms, focusing on possible opportunities for the Asia-Pacific.

Asymmetric WMD Threats: DPRK Nuclear, Cyber, and Bio-Chemical Weapons Capabilities
New special report by APLN member and President of the Sejong Institute, Dr. Sang Hyun Lee, assesses the evolution and development of DPRK’s asymmetric military capabilities - nuclear weapons, ...

Nuclear-Capable Missiles
Nick Hansen offers a primer on the array of nuclear missile delivery systems in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Horizontal Proliferation in the Asia-Pacific Region
John Carlson shows how states pursuing nuclear energy programs may have latent weapons capabilities and sets out how to address proliferation risks.

Trilateral Strategic Confidence Building Measures in Southern Asia
Brig. (Ret.) Feroz Khan assesses escalation risks and proposes measures to stabilise tensions and improve peace and security in Southern Asia.