The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN) has over one hundred members from eighteen countries across Asia and the Pacific, consisting of former political, diplomatic and military leaders, senior government officials, and scholars and opinion leaders. APLN aims to inform and energize public opinion, especially high-level policymakers, to take seriously the very real threats posed by nuclear weapons, and to do everything possible to achieve a world in which they are contained, diminished and eventually eliminated.

Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ikegami Masako is a Professor at the Department of Innovation Science, School of Environment & Society of Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Ikegami Masako is a Professor in the Department of Innovation Science at the School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Previously, she was director of (and a professor at) the Center for Pacific Asia Studies at Stockholm University. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on science, technology and international security issues; ranging from arms control & disarmament, nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security, to Asian security, conflict prevention and confidence building. Her latest publications include “Seeking a path toward missile nonproliferation: A Japanese response” in Global Forum, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Oct. 2016); and “Building an OSCA: Lessons of the OSCE and the Role of Japan” in Vanoverbeke et. al. (eds) Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies (Routledge 2017). She holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of Tokyo and a Ph.D. in peace and conflict research from Uppsala University in Sweden. Dr. Ikegami has been an active member in the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Nobel Peace Prize 1995) currently as an executive committee member of Japan Pugwash, and was Abe Fellow (2010) at the East-West Center in Washington, D.C. and Research Institute for Peace & Security in Tokyo, as well as POSCO Fellow (2005) at the East-West Center in Honolulu.