Trans-Eurasian Security
Featuring perspectives on trans-Eurasian security from members and experts across the Asia-Pacific region.

China’s Dilemma in the Russia-Ukraine War
Fei Su and Jingdong Yuan answer questions that the international community may have on China’s stance and approach to the Russia-Ukraine war.

Implications of Russia’s war on Ukraine for North Korea’s nuclear program
John Carlson argues that the lesson from Russia’s war on Ukraine should be the critical importance of diplomacy and engagement to resolve differences.

South Korea’s Security and Foreign Policy after the War in Ukraine
Eunjung Lim, Associate Professor at the Division of International Studies at Kongju National University, argues that the Russia-Ukraine war makes it more difficult for the new South Korean government ...

Implications of Ukraine nuclear crisis for nuclear non-proliferation, security and safety
Dr. Tatsujiro Suzuki outlines the considerations for possible short- and medium-term implications of the Ukraine nuclear crisis for global nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear security and safety.

Not a brief pause, but a turning point
Łukasz Kulesa describes the consequences of the Russian aggression against Ukraine on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.

Three comments on Ukraine and nuclear risks
Ramesh Thakur writes on how the war in Ukraine presents serious challenges to non-proliferation and disarmament.

APLN Statement on the War in Ukraine
Over 90 senior APLN members - political, diplomatic, military, and academic figures from across the Asia-Pacific - have published a statement calling for politicians to remember their humanity and ...

Implications of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict for India
Former Foreign Secretary of India, Shyam Saran, outlines the implications of Ukrainian Crisis for India, discussing India's response to Russian actions and the possible repercussions for the ...

As Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert, here are 5 genuine nuclear dangers for us all
APLN Senior Research Advisor Tanya Ogilvie-White urges the international community to act now to support Ukraine and de-escalate the conflict.

Chair's Response to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Dr. Marty Natalegawa, Chair of APLN and former Foreign Minister of Indonesia, issues a response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.