Weekly Newsletters
APLN's weekly newsletter gives you all the latest updates from APLN in one place. Read our previous newsletters here, or click "subscribe" at the top-left of the page to get them delivered weekly directly to your inbox.

Nuclear Testing in the Pacific: A Visual Timeline
We share visual data on nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific. Lina Gong writes for APLN's KT column, outlining Southeast Asia's expectations in disaster relief amidst the worsening climate crisis.

APLN's Member Statement on US-China Arms Control
APLN released a Network Members group statement supporting continuing dialogue between China and the United States on arms control and non-proliferation.

The TPNW's Place in the Pacific
John Tilemann expands on why it's time for Australia to return to an active nuclear diplomacy, we welcome two new members to our network, and we review where Pacific nations stand on the TPNW.

Open Letter to the Australian Prime Minister
APLN's Australian members published an open letter to Prime Minister Albanese, and John Tilemann underscores the importance of political leadership to address nuclear threats.

Is the Nuclear Testing Norm Eroding?
In light of the Russian Duma's approval to de-ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), we reshare APLN's joint statement with the European Leadership Network.

The Asia-Pacific's Cybersecurity Problem
Sameer Patil writes on looming cybersecurity threats in the Asia-Pacific and Trevor Findlay argues for a global recommitment to the existing non-proliferation and disarmament regime.

The True Value of the Delhi Declaration
This week, Manpreet Sethi writes on how to seize the opportunity offered by the recent G-20 Summit statement to devalue nuclear weapons, and we also share a new infographic on the TPNW in the Pacific.

What’s Driving Instability in the South China Sea?
In honor of World Maritime Day, we highlight three papers that were published as a part of our project on Preventing Dangerous Maritime Incidents and Unintended Escalation in the Asia-Pacific.

AUKUS's Footprint in Asia, Two Years In
Two years after the announcement of the AUKUS trilateral security pact, we are sharing both new and past APLN expert analyses on the impact of AUKUS in the Asia-Pacific.

The G20 Summit Is Over. What Now?
This week, Natalie Sambhi shares how Indonesia's attitude toward AUKUS is changing, and we share a collection of our network members' analysis on the G20 summit.