
Time for global No-First-Use policies - Asia/Pacific webinar
A webinar exploring No-First-Use policies, their contribution to nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament, and new possibilities for their adoption by additional nuclear-armed and allied states.

What Asia Wants From the Biden Administration
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Chair Gareth Evans published an article in the March 2021 edition of Global Asia highlighting what Asia wants from the Biden Administration.

Deterrence and Disarmament
APLN Executive Director Shata Shetty explores risk reduction and the importance of bridging the gap between deterrence and disarmament advocates.

Pandemic Futures and Nuclear Weapon Risks
How will pandemics change the outcome of possible nuclear futures? Experts weigh in over the course of four different workshops. A promotional video for the 'Pandemic-Nuclear-Nexus Scenarios' project.

Banning Nuclear Weapons: Don’t Be Deceived
John Tilemann explains why nuclear disarmament advocates should be concerned about the impact of the TPNW, discussing its limits as well as appropriate measures to reduce nuclear threats.

APLN on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in the Asia Pacific
An APLN project assessing key features of WMD infrastructure, force structures, capabilities, envisioned uses and solutions across the Asia-Pacific.

Asia-Pacific Nations' Military Space Developments
Namrata Goswami discusses the military space developments of China, India, Japan, and North Korea, and urges further development of normative/legal frameworks to ensure responsible behaviour in space.

The Dangerous Game Between the DPRK and USA
A short essay by contest winner In-tae Jang, analyzing the potentially grim outcome should the DPRK and US fail to cooperate.

Watchbear in Oriental Garden
Andrey Gubin examines Russia's role in Asia-Pacific affairs through a detailed account of its conventional weapons development.

Asia-Pacific Perspective on Biological Weapons and Nuclear Deterrence in the Pandemic Era
Richard Pilch and Miles Pomper provide an Asia-Pacific perspective on biological weapons and their relevance to nuclear deterrence in the pandemic era.