Korean Peninsula
Responding to Skepticism about an End-Of-War Declaration
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in discusses the future of the Korean Peninsula, and concerns surrounding ending the Korean War.
Special Roundtable: Ending the Korean War
ARIRANG NEWS - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in speaks at a special roundtable along with Stockholm Peace Institute Director Dan Smith hosted by Jen Moon.
Peace for Korea
PLOUGH - APLN senior associate fellow Jessica Lee writes: The Korean War is still not officially over. According to the Quincy Institute, it’s high time to end it.
The Ethical Dilemma of Nuclear Weapons
Miriam Astrid Rieback argues that concern for nuclear weapons is justified, however states often play by different rules depending on their ranking comparatively to other states.
Data Driven Disarmament
Jamie Withorne argues that with advancing technologies there will limitless possibilities for rising actors to largely shape upcoming nuclear policy from destruction to disarmament.
[Special Report] Inter-Korean Cooperation Through NEAPHI
Dr. Young-jeon Shin discusses the prospects of Inter-Korean and Northeast Asia cooperation on public health via the NEAPHI.
[CTR Plus] Inter-Korean Cooperation Through NEAPHI
Dr. Young-jeon Shin discusses the prospects of Inter-Korean and Northeast Asia cooperation on public health via NEAPHI to address healthcare issues in the DPRK.
[CTR Plus] Biomedical Cooperation with the DPRK in the Post-Pandemic Era
Dr. Sang Min Park proposes the creation of an inter-Korean Biomedical Cluster as a sustainable model for cooperation in the post-pandemic era.
It’s Time for Biden to End the Korean War
FOREIGN POLICY - Jessica Lee discusses the prospects of a formal end to the Korean War and urges the Biden Administration to "articulate a forward-looking U.S. agenda on the peninsula".
[Special Report] Space Engagement and Cooperation with the DPRK
Dr. Goswami examines the DPRK’s space capabilities, explores how space cooperation can be operationalized and funded, and offers a scenario-based analysis.