Exploring the Sweet Spot of Nuclear Latency of North Korea
Essay contest winner Chul-min Kim argues that for North Korea to be effectively denuclearized, a 'sweet spot' of nuclear latency needs to be hit -- rather than abandoning all nuclear capabilities.
Jeju Forum 2020: Achieving a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in Northeast Asia
APLN X Jeju Forum Session 3: Panelists assess how to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZ) in Northeast Asia.
COVID-19 Labor Demand, Migration and Force Structure Implications in East Asia
Brian Nichiporuk assesses long-term implications of COVID19 in East Asia, examining impacts on labor markets, mass migration scenarios, and the effect on regional militaries.
[Pt. I] Preemptive Nuclear Attacks on the Korean Peninsula: Fact or Fiction?
This is APLN and EAF's first joint webinar, in which four experts of the field share their comments on Bob Woodward's recent book "Rage".
An Alternative to Nuclear Deadlock and Stalled Diplomacy
Michael Hamel-Green proposes a phased establishment of a regional Northeast Asian NWFZ negotiated in tandem with a regional comprehensive security agreement.
Sanctions on NK: Overused, Underutilized
Biersteker argues that existing sanctions on the DPRK could be better utilized in conjunction with numerous sanctions relief possibilities to facilitate denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.
US Nuclear Policy and Posture: Bending Toward Asia?
Steve Andreasen argues in this policy brief that Washington and Beijing could take concrete nuclear threat reduction steps to moderate or mitigate nuclear tensions between the US and China in Asia.
What the Bolton Memoir Tells Us about the Future of DPRK Nuclear Negotiations
Van Jackson mines Bolton’s rendition of the US-North Korea policy as well as the former ambassador's take on summit diplomacy in past years, drawing lessons that can improve the prospects of future.
Bolton Memoir: Guide for How Not to Negotiate with North Korea
Van Jackson deconstructs John Bolton's beliefs on North Korea to explain how the US' DPRK policy has persisted over decades despite repeated failures.
Professor Moon's Response to S.F.C.C. (Full Ver.)
Chung-in Moon's press conference with the Seoul Foreign Correspondents' Club (SFCC), in full.