Nuclear Energy

    Mounting Nuclear Risks

    Mounting Nuclear Risks

    22 Oct 2020 | Manpreet SETHI

    Dr. Manpreet Sethi identifies factors that heighten novel nuclear risks and makes recommendations for measures to arrest them.

    Japan Should Reconsider Plutonium Policy

    Japan Should Reconsider Plutonium Policy

    15 Jul 2020 | SUZUKI Tatsujiro

    Tatsujiro Suzuki presents a series of recommendations on how the Japanese government should manage and eventually reduce and eliminate its plutonium stockpile.

    [APLN-KNDA-Conference] How to Break the Stalemate with North Korea: Energy & Incentives

    [APLN-KNDA-Conference] How to Break the Stalemate with North Korea: Energy & Incentives

    24 Mar 2020 | APLN

    Is there hope for a swift resolution to peacekeeping talks with the DPRK? Perhaps not, but Dr. Hayes has two important suggestions for trust-building with the nuclear power.

    Energy Insecurity in the DPRK

    Energy Insecurity in the DPRK

    3 Jan 2018 | Peter HAYES

    The authors summarize what is known about the DPRK's energy sector and provide suggestions on how its energy insecurity could be addressed in relation to productive engagement on nuclear weapons.

    7th Annual Meeting

    7th Annual Meeting

    30 May 2017 | APLN

    The APLN convened in Jeju against looming nuclear threats, heightened levels of regional uncertainty, and the draft publication of a UN convention to prohibit the acquisition of nuclear weapons.

    Nuclear Safety: The Republic of Korea’s Experience in Eliminating Capacity Deficits

    Nuclear Safety: The Republic of Korea’s Experience in Eliminating Capacity Deficits

    3 Apr 2017 | KIM Moo-Hwan

    South Korea, confronted with energy resources that are growing rapidly insufficient for the needs of the population, has turned to nuclear engineering to provide a stable energy supply to the country.

    Coping With and Mitigating the Effects of Nuclear Reactor Accidents in Pakistan

    Coping With and Mitigating the Effects of Nuclear Reactor Accidents in Pakistan

    7 Mar 2017 | Pervez HOODBHOY

    The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) is the new big word in Pakistan's nuclear policies. Opaqueness in the PNRA, however, limits public input--which impedes safety standards.

    Southeast Asia Regional Meeting 2016

    Southeast Asia Regional Meeting 2016

    23 Dec 2016 | APLN

    Addressing the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ) and steps to secure nuclear weapons states’ signatures of the SEANWFZ Protocol.

    Southeast Asia Regional Meeting 2016

    Southeast Asia Regional Meeting 2016

    23 Dec 2016 | APLN

    The 2016 APLN meeting, organized with collaborators, addressing the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ) and steps to secure nuclear weapons states’ signatures of the SEANWFZ Protocol.

    Strengthening Governance for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy in the Asia Pacific

    Strengthening Governance for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy in the Asia Pacific

    18 Aug 2015 | John CARLSON

    Non-proliferation, nuclear security, safety -- all these peaceful uses of nuclear power are highly relevant to the Asia Pacific today.

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