Nuclear Security

    A Nuclear War Must Never Be Fought

    A Nuclear War Must Never Be Fought

    20 May 2021 | Ramesh THAKUR

    IPS - APLN member Ramesh Thakur argues that a ‘no first use’ policy of nuclear weapons would actually bolster US security — and underpin its global leadership role.

    Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004): Significance and Gaps

    Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004): Significance and Gaps

    19 Apr 2021 | ASADA Masahiko

    Masahiko Asada assesses the relevance of the UNSC's Resolution 1540 today, and how well it still holds up as a measure against the non-proliferation of nuclear arms.

    Hibakusha: The Human Cost of Nuclear Weapons

    Hibakusha: The Human Cost of Nuclear Weapons

    30 Mar 2021 | Elaine NATALIE and Katie YOON

    Elaine Natalie and Katie Yoon explore the devastating physical and psychological impacts of nuclear weapons as experienced by the hibakusha, survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.

    North Korea's Latest Nuclear and Delivery System Development

    North Korea's Latest Nuclear and Delivery System Development

    24 Mar 2021 | HWANG Yong-soo

    Yongsoo Hwang examines North Korea's recent nuclear and missile development activities.

    Hotline Between Two Koreas: Status, Limitations and Future Tasks

    Hotline Between Two Koreas: Status, Limitations and Future Tasks

    8 Mar 2021 | Chung-in MOON and BOO Seung-Chan

    Chung-in Moon and Seung-Chan Boo provide a historical analysis of DPRK and ROK hotlines with lessons learned and policy recommendations.

    Legacy of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    Legacy of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    7 Mar 2021 | SUZUKI Tatsujiro

    EAST ASIA FORUM - APLN member Tatsujiro Suzuki writes: Japan seems to have learned a tough lesson about its energy policy. But unresolved issues still haunt the country’s future nuclear prospects.

    Deterrence and Disarmament

    Deterrence and Disarmament

    3 Mar 2021 | Shatabhisha SHETTY

    APLN Executive Director Shata Shetty explores risk reduction and the importance of bridging the gap between deterrence and disarmament advocates.

    Declare No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

    Declare No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

    9 Feb 2021 | Ramesh THAKUR

    APLN member Ramesh Thakur argues in a Korea Times open letter to President Biden that developments over the past five years justify the adoption of "No First Use".

    The Implications of Hypersonic Weapons on the Korean Peninsula

    The Implications of Hypersonic Weapons on the Korean Peninsula

    4 Feb 2021 | Katie YOON

    Katie Yoon explores South Korea's development of hypersonic weapons and its potential impacts on ROK-DPRK relations.

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