Member Activities

    Putin's visit to N. Korea and S. Korea's diplomatic strategy

    Putin's visit to N. Korea and S. Korea's diplomatic strategy

    18 Jun 2024 | LIM Eunjung

    ARIRANG NEWS - APLN member Eunjung Lim was interviewed by Arirang News, where she commented on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea and assessed its impact on regional affairs.

    What Are China’s Nuclear Weapons For?

    What Are China’s Nuclear Weapons For?

    17 Jun 2024 | Tong ZHAO

    FOREIGN AFFAIRS - APLN member Tong Zhao wrote a response to Ashley Tellis' comments on his essay in Foreign Affairs.

    S. Korea-China Cooperation Still Has a Long Way to Go

    S. Korea-China Cooperation Still Has a Long Way to Go

    17 Jun 2024 | Chung-in MOON

    HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon highlights that there is a critical need to fundamentally rethink Korea-China relations from a pragmatic perspective.

    A Reboot at G7

    A Reboot at G7

    12 Jun 2024 | C. Raja MOHAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C. Raja Mohan wrote about PM Modi's first trip abroad in his third term and argued that it is a chance to re-energise relations with the West.

    De-risking Regional Geopolitics

    De-risking Regional Geopolitics

    12 Jun 2024 | Gareth EVANS

    OXFORD REVIEW OF ECONOMIC POLICY - APLN member Gareth Evans emphasised that Australia and other regional countries have an important role to play in encouraging the US and China to take the necessary ...

    Promoting Amity: Diplomacy and Dialogue as Statecrafts in a Fragmented World

    Promoting Amity: Diplomacy and Dialogue as Statecrafts in a Fragmented World

    11 Jun 2024 | Marty NATALEGAWA

    On June 11, APLN Chair Marty Natalegawa delivered an RSIS Distinguished Public Lecture on 'Promoting Amity: Diplomacy and Dialogue as Statecrafts in a Fragmented World.'

    International Security and Nuclear Weapons in the Flux of Global Security Dynamics

    International Security and Nuclear Weapons in the Flux of Global Security Dynamics

    11 Jun 2024 | YUZAKI Hidehiko, AKIYAMA Nobumasa and Manpreet SETHI

    On June 16, APLN members Hidehiko Yuzaki, Nobumasa Akiyama and Manpreet Sethi will participate in panel discussions to discuss the complexity of regional security and the influence of nuclear weapons.

    India’s Shock Election Result Shows Democracy Is Still Thriving

    India’s Shock Election Result Shows Democracy Is Still Thriving

    7 Jun 2024 | C Uday BHASKAR

    SCMP - APLN member C Uday Bhaskar highlighted that while the BJP’s underperformance shocked supporters and observers, Indian voters have restored hope in the country’s democratic process.

    The Consequences of India’s Election Surprise

    The Consequences of India’s Election Surprise

    6 Jun 2024 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan wrote on India's 2024 election and analysed its implications for Indian domestic and foreign policy.

    Why a Substantive and Verifiable No-First-Use Treaty for Nuclear Weapons Is Possible

    Why a Substantive and Verifiable No-First-Use Treaty for Nuclear Weapons Is Possible

    4 Jun 2024 | LI Bin

    BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS - APLN member Li Bin argued that the US should respond positively to China’s initiative to negotiate a no-first-use nuclear weapons treaty.

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