Confidence and Security Building Measures in Southeast Asia's Maritime Domain
Dr Collin Koh’s report surveys the effectiveness of multilateral CSBMs in the Southeast Asian maritime domain.
Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific
Rebecca (Bec) Strating reviews and analyses incidents involving military and non-military vessels in Asia's maritime domains concentrated on the oceans and seas.
Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific
Rebecca (Bec) Strating reviews and analyses incidents involving military and non-military vessels in Asia's maritime domains concentrated on the oceans and seas.
NATO and European-ROK Global Cooperation on Security
REAL INSTITUTO ELCANO - APLN member Jina Kim discussed the benefits of enhancing like-minded cooperation on security between European members of NATO and its Asia-Pacific partners (AP4).
An Asia-Pacific NATO: Fanning the Flames of War
SHAPE - On July 5, 2023 (11:00 a.m. KST), APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in will speak at a webinar on the rising danger of war between the major centres of power in Asia-Pacific.
Reclaiming ASEAN’s Comprehensive and Cooperative Security
EAF - APLN member Mely Caballero-Anthony argues that for policymakers in Southeast Asia who try to navigate the US-China relations, development imperatives trump bandwagoning and containment.
Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes on the IPEF conclusion of substantial negotiations on an Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Supply Chain Agreement.
Australia and the Post-Ukraine Nuclear Disarmament Agenda
TODA PEACE INSTITUTE - APLN member Ramesh Thakur examines the Indo-Pacific nuclear situation and evaluates potential avenues for Australia to play a significant role in mitigating nuclear risks.
APLN-ISYP Roundtable
On May 26, 9am KST (May 25, 8 pm EDT), APLN and ISYP co-hosted a roundtable to explore strategies on keeping nuclear memories and consciousness alive.
Whom Does the Shift From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific Serve?
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in points out that most countries are uncritically accepting the shift to the Indo-Pacific without substantial debate about the appropriateness of the shift.