
The Emerging Indo-Pacific Order
UNIVERSITI MALAYA - On August 8, 2:30 - 5:30 pm, APLN member Elina Noor will speak at a panel to discuss the emerging Indo-Pacific discourse and its implication for Malaysia.

Confidence and Security Building Measures in Southeast Asia's Maritime Domain
Dr Collin Koh’s report surveys the effectiveness of multilateral CSBMs in the Southeast Asian maritime domain.

Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific
Rebecca (Bec) Strating reviews and analyses incidents involving military and non-military vessels in Asia's maritime domains concentrated on the oceans and seas.

Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific
Rebecca (Bec) Strating reviews and analyses incidents involving military and non-military vessels in Asia's maritime domains concentrated on the oceans and seas.

NATO and European-ROK Global Cooperation on Security
REAL INSTITUTO ELCANO - APLN member Jina Kim discussed the benefits of enhancing like-minded cooperation on security between European members of NATO and its Asia-Pacific partners (AP4).

An Asia-Pacific NATO: Fanning the Flames of War
SHAPE - On July 5, 2023 (11:00 a.m. KST), APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in will speak at a webinar on the rising danger of war between the major centres of power in Asia-Pacific.

Reclaiming ASEAN’s Comprehensive and Cooperative Security
EAF - APLN member Mely Caballero-Anthony argues that for policymakers in Southeast Asia who try to navigate the US-China relations, development imperatives trump bandwagoning and containment.

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes on the IPEF conclusion of substantial negotiations on an Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Supply Chain Agreement.

Australia and the Post-Ukraine Nuclear Disarmament Agenda
TODA PEACE INSTITUTE - APLN member Ramesh Thakur examines the Indo-Pacific nuclear situation and evaluates potential avenues for Australia to play a significant role in mitigating nuclear risks.

APLN-ISYP Roundtable
On May 26, 9am KST (May 25, 8 pm EDT), APLN and ISYP co-hosted a roundtable to explore strategies on keeping nuclear memories and consciousness alive.