Border Openings Could Signal an Indian-Pakistani Thaw
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN Member C. Raja Mohan discusses Indian-Pakistani relations and the easing of border restrictions between the two countries.
What the Rise of Pan-Turkism Means for India
THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN Member C. Raja Mohan provides insight on relations between Turkey and India.
Stick to the Basics of Nuclear Deterrence
THE TRIBUNE - APLN member Manpreet Sethi provides insight on why India should keep a cool head in regards to China's recent nuclear tests.
‘The Fractured Himalaya’ Is a Lucid Account of Sino-Indian Relations
INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Nirupama Rao’s latest book, The Fractured Himalaya, is a lucid account of Sino-Indian relations.
India’s Green Shoots for the Planet
BUSINESS STANDARD - APLN Member Shyam Saran provides insight on Global Emissions and the Panchamrita pledge.
The Fractured Himalaya: India & China The way forward
HINDUSTAN TIMES - APLN Member Nirupama Rao discusses the relationship between China and India and how both can move forward.
Balancing National and Global Responsibilities: An Indian Negotiating Strategy for Glasgow
Shyam Saran discusses what is likely to be India’s stand on the key agenda items at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.
AUKUS from an Indian Perspective
APLN Board Member and Distinguished Fellow of the Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi, Dr Manpreet Sethi discusses the implications of the AUKUS deal for India.
AUKUS from an Indian Perspective
APLN Board Member and Distinguished Fellow of the Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi, Dr Manpreet Sethi discusses the implications of the AUKUS deal for India.
Four Geopolitical Developments and a Window of Opportunity for India
INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Shyam Saran weigh the risks and opportunities of four recent developments in regional and global politics that impact India.