
    Four Geopolitical Developments and a Window of Opportunity for India

    Four Geopolitical Developments and a Window of Opportunity for India

    29 Sep 2021 | Shyam SARAN

    INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Shyam Saran weigh the risks and opportunities of four recent developments in regional and global politics that impact India.

    AUKUS: How Not to Win Friends

    AUKUS: How Not to Win Friends

    24 Sep 2021 | Rakesh SOOD

    HINDUSTAN TIMES - APLN member Rakesh Sood argues that AUKUS shows that the time has come for India and France to set a new milestone for strengthening their strategic partnership. 

    AUKUS, the Quad, and India’s Strategic Pivot

    AUKUS, the Quad, and India’s Strategic Pivot

    23 Sep 2021 | C. Raja MOHAN

    FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C. Raja Mohan argues that AUKUS is one part of a larger US effort to reconfigure the Indo-Pacific balance of power. 

    India-Pakistan Nuclear Dynamics

    India-Pakistan Nuclear Dynamics

    23 Sep 2021 | Rakesh SOOD

    New special report by APLN member and former Indian Ambassador, Rakesh Sood, examines the India-Pakistan nuclear relationship by analysing the crises between the two states, the origins of the ...

    [WMD] India-Pakistan Nuclear Dynamics

    [WMD] India-Pakistan Nuclear Dynamics

    23 Sep 2021 | Rakesh SOOD

    Rakesh Sood examines the India-Pakistan nuclear relationship: the crises between the two states, the origins of conflict, the internal political dynamics, and their prospects for crisis management.

    With AUKUS Dividing the Western Bloc, is there a Role for India?

    With AUKUS Dividing the Western Bloc, is there a Role for India?

    22 Sep 2021 | C. Raja MOHAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C. Raja Mohan explores India's opportunities for strategic cooperation with France and Europe as well as the Quad.

    StratNewsGlobal Special Edition on Climate Change Challenges

    StratNewsGlobal Special Edition on Climate Change Challenges

    19 Sep 2021 | Shyam SARAN

    STRATEGIC NEWS GLOBAL - APLN member and former Indian Ambassador and Foreign Secretary, Shyam Saran, on StratNewsGlobal discussing the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 and India's priorities.

    Decoding Sino-Indian Diplomacy

    Decoding Sino-Indian Diplomacy

    13 Sep 2021 | Shyam SARAN

    BUSINESS STANDARD - Vijay Gokhale's analysis on Chinese negotiating behaviour through a set of six issues relating to India-China relations. A book review by APLN member Shyam Saran.

    Space part of a grand strategy for India, China: Report warns of its growing ...

    Space part of a grand strategy for India, China: Report warns of its growing ...

    25 Aug 2021 | APLN

    Dr. Namrata Goswami's APLN Special Report titled "Status of Existing and Emerging Asia-Pacific Space Powers Capabilities" was covered by the news website India Today.

    Putin-Biden Summit – A Blend of Realism and Hope

    Putin-Biden Summit – A Blend of Realism and Hope

    18 Jun 2021 | Manpreet SETHI

    INDIA NARRATIVE - APLN Board member Manpreet Sethi analyzes the Biden-Putin Summit, focusing on the promise it holds globally and for India.

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