Korean Peninsula

Revisiting the Two-State System for Peaceful Coexistence on the Korean Peninsula
USIP - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argues that a system mitigating the competition for unification may promote peaceful coexistence between the two Koreas.

Rumbles of Thunder and Endangered Peace on the Korean Peninsula
On January 31, APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon will give remarks at a program co-hosted by The Korea Society and the National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP).

Three Key Lessons from Past North Korean Denuclearization Diplomacy
USIP - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argues that it is important to consider North Korea’s security and political concerns in order to achieve the goal of denuclearization.

Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Trends and the Impact on the Korean Peninsula
FES ASIA - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in was interviewed by FES Asia. He shared his thoughts on current geopolitical and geo-economic trends and elaborated the impact on the Korean Peninsula.

Appeal to New Approaches to the North Korea Problem
On June 15, APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in spoke at the Korea Europe Center (KEC) Human Security Forum, underlining the urgency of finding a new way to approach the North Korea problems.

Does Yoon’s Year of Values Diplomacy Deserve a Passing Grade?
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in argues that if President Yoon fails to find a balance between values and national interest, his national security and foreign policies are likely to fail.

The Long Saga of Nuclear ‘Vortex Politics’ in Korea
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN member Peter Hayes examines how the first pulse of South Korean nuclear proliferation under Park Chung Hee compares with current President Yoon Suk-yeol’s proliferation ruminations.

The Human Horror of a Nuclear Conflict in Northeast Asia
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Associate Fellow Eva Lisowski co-wrote an article with David Von Hippel and lay out stark scenarios of nuclear-weapons use and their horrible costs.

Why South Korea Shouldn’t Go Nuclear
ASIA TIMES - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in points out that if Seoul acquires nuclear arms, it would have a fatal impact on its survival, prosperity and prestige.

Coming to Terms with North Korea’s Nuclear Strength
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in co-wrote an article with Kim Jungsup on the security situation on the Korean peninsula.