
    Xi Weighs Up Support for Putin After Rebellion

    Xi Weighs Up Support for Putin After Rebellion

    26 Jun 2023 | SHEN Dingli

    The GUARDIAN - APLN member Shen Dingli was quoted in The Guardian, where he commented on how the Wagner incident was interpreted in China.

    [JPN] The End of Liberal Order

    [JPN] The End of Liberal Order

    22 Jun 2023 | FUJIWARA Kiichi

    ASAHI SHIMBUN - APLN member Fujiwara Kiichi highlights that in a world dominated by power politics, it is important to seek diplomatic opportunities to restrain the escalation of conflicts.

    Envisioning Nuclear Arms Control in Challenging Times

    Envisioning Nuclear Arms Control in Challenging Times

    7 Jun 2023 | Manpreet SETHI

    Manpreet Sethi argues that all nuclear-armed countries must commit to policies that reduce the risk of inadvertent nuclear use.

    A Perspective on the War in Ukraine

    A Perspective on the War in Ukraine

    29 May 2023 | Amit SHARMA

    Amit Sharma argues that great power competition is making peace in Ukraine elusive.

    G7 Leaders in Hiroshima for Annual Meeting

    G7 Leaders in Hiroshima for Annual Meeting

    20 May 2023 | APLN

    BBC News - As G7 leaders convene this week, Tatsujiro Suzuki discussed the G7 summit in Hiroshima in an interview with BBC World.

    Russian Aggression Against Ukraine: Impact on Nuclear Issues

    Russian Aggression Against Ukraine: Impact on Nuclear Issues

    12 May 2023 | SANO Toshio

    Toshio Sano argues that protecting Ukraine's nuclear power plants should be a priority and suggests measures to prevent further escalation.

    For Japan, ‘Ukraine is the Future of Asia’

    For Japan, ‘Ukraine is the Future of Asia’

    13 Apr 2023 | C. Raja MOHAN

    FOREIGN POLICY  - APLN member C Raja Mohan writes on Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s trip to Ukraine. He argues that Tokyo has abandoned decades of passivity and become a global strategic actor.

    The Human Horror of a Nuclear Conflict in Northeast Asia

    The Human Horror of a Nuclear Conflict in Northeast Asia

    7 Apr 2023 | Eva LISOWSKI

    GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Associate Fellow Eva Lisowski co-wrote an article with David Von Hippel and lay out stark scenarios of nuclear-weapons use and their horrible costs.

    Rebalance of Power

    Rebalance of Power

    6 Apr 2023 | Shyam SARAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Shyam Saran writes: China-Russia partnership signals a shift in geo-political equations that has implications for India.

    Nuclear Power Plants in War Zones: Risks and Remedies

    Nuclear Power Plants in War Zones: Risks and Remedies

    30 Mar 2023 | Manpreet SETHI

    IPCS - APLN member Manpreet Sethi weighs in on the vulnerabilities of nuclear power plants caught up in inter-state conflict, as revealed by the Russia-Ukraine war.

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