
    Diplomatic Dispatch | Nuclear Deterrence in Contemporary World

    Diplomatic Dispatch | Nuclear Deterrence in Contemporary World

    8 Oct 2022 | Manpreet SETHI and Rakesh SOOD

    SANSAD TV - APLN members Rakesh Sood and Manpreet Sethi talk about what raising the nuclear stakes meant for the war in Ukraine and for the world at large.

    Ukraine and the Global Nuclear Order

    Ukraine and the Global Nuclear Order

    7 Oct 2022 | John TILEMANN

    AIIA - APLN Senior Associate Fellow John Tilemann writes: Russia’s intervention in Ukraine highlights the urgency of steps to contain and eliminate nuclear threats.

    (NU-NEA) Birds of a Feather: Thoughts on Pyongyang's Lessons from the War in Ukraine

    (NU-NEA) Birds of a Feather: Thoughts on Pyongyang's Lessons from the War in Ukraine

    7 Oct 2022 | Alexandre MANSOUROV

    Professor Alexandre Y. Mansourov discusses the lessons learned from the Ukraine conflict by DPRK leadership.

    What if? Prospects and Consequences of Nuclear Use by President Putin

    What if? Prospects and Consequences of Nuclear Use by President Putin

    6 Oct 2022 | Manpreet SETHI

    CENTRE FOR AIR POWER STUDIES INDIA - APLN member Manpreet Sethi analyses possible consequences of nuclear use by Russia. 

    Deeper Into the Mire

    Deeper Into the Mire

    5 Oct 2022 | Shyam SARAN

    THE TRIBUNE - APLN member Shyam Saran writes: The decree signed by President Putin a few days ago — to annex Donbas — looks more like a desperate gambit rather than a celebration of success.

    With Reverses in Ukraine, Putin’s Options Are Shrinking

    With Reverses in Ukraine, Putin’s Options Are Shrinking

    4 Oct 2022 | C. Raja MOHAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C. Raja Mohan argues that Moscow’s options boil down to escalation and the prospect of Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine is high.

    Russia, America, and Nuclear Threshold(s)

    Russia, America, and Nuclear Threshold(s)

    30 Sep 2022 | Robert AYSON

    Professor Robert Ayson says it’s time for Asia-Pacific powers to exert a calming influence on Russia.

    Security Assurances amid Russia's Nuclear Threats

    Security Assurances amid Russia's Nuclear Threats

    29 Sep 2022 | KIM Won-soo, Lorenz Anthony T. FERNANDO, Shivani SINGH and Michiru NISHIDA

    Has Russia’s war on Ukraine shattered the security assurances provided to non-nuclear weapons states? Four experts weigh in.

    Observing 26 September in the Shadow of Nuclear Risks

    Observing 26 September in the Shadow of Nuclear Risks

    26 Sep 2022 | Manpreet SETHI

    IPCS - APLN member Manpreet Sethi writes on the significance of the UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons in light of Russia's recent nuclear threats.

    UN Charter in Jeopardy

    UN Charter in Jeopardy

    24 Sep 2022 | C Uday BHASKAR

    THE TRIBUNE - APLN member C Uday Bhaskar writes: the calibrated military escalation by Moscow, including a threat to use the nuclear weapon, is eerily reminiscent of the Cold War years.

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